Jack Reacher sequel coming, with Paramount adapting the novel: ‘Never Go Back’.


Great news! I was slightly dubious of the prospects of a sequel to Tom Cruise’s vehicle ‘Jack Reacher’, but thankfully the modest box office success ensured that Paramount make a 2nd Reacher movie.

I liked the first movie, but I thought some aspects could have been improved including the casting. Not Cruise, but Rosamund Pike was shaky as Helen Rodin and Jai Courtney wasn’t the most convincing villain. All in all though, a solid action movie with a riveting story told brilliantly on screen by Christopher McQuarrie.

It’s an interesting choice, going with Never Go Back. A quality Reacher novel, but there are better choices including the fantastic ‘Persuader’ and the first book ‘Killing Floor’. Nevertheless, news of a sequel is fantastic and I can’t wait to see what Paramount and Cruise cool up in this next movie.

Excited for the next Jack Reacher? Let me know in the comments.

– Logan.

3 responses to “Jack Reacher sequel coming, with Paramount adapting the novel: ‘Never Go Back’.

  1. I’m fine with them coming back with another, I just hope that they don’t continue to do it until Cruise is practically pushing 70. Then, it will just get a tad bit unbelievable.

  2. Pingback: Hitchcock for a New Generation: Jack Reacher | Movies Are Fun!

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